Wednesday, 29 June 2011

mock village layout ideas

made quite alot of buildings now for the village including cottages ,semi detached properties a church and also a pub ( we got to have one of them ) and a fish and chip shop and i have just been experimenting by setting everything out to get a feel of what it could look like the pictures show it from different parts of that will be the village you can also see their is a bridge with the village spread on both sides which i feel will look great on the first pictures just to the left their is going to be space for about 3 industrial units has the road then takes you along in to the village with the church in the middle surrounded by a grassy area and the village continuing through the bridge area as seen in pic 3

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

semi detached house build

a nice little model of a semi detached house with nice features to include front porches and 1 of the residences has a nice little conservatory at the rear and both have a garage

Monday, 20 June 2011

church completed

very pleased with the outcome of the church complete with a lich gate entrance lots of nice detail on this models very impressed with the detail around the window areas which you can see from the window of the chancel

church build continues

the church build continues with the isles now fitted and the nave

Sunday, 19 June 2011

the creation of the village church - the tower and nave

a nice little model to make so far it was a little tricky making the buttresses that stand at the end of the tower but im very pleased with the end result and so far i have the tower made and the nave connected but still lots of work to do , the detail on this model seems very good , lots of nice detail around the windows

Thursday, 16 June 2011

village cottages

just started to make these rather nice cottages with out building for the village .made a couple of them up at the moment but their will be 4 in total with a few different  style of house to add a little contrast